Cameo appearance...
In the past few blog posts, cameos have been mentioned frequently so I decided to address them further. Growing up in the 70s and 80s, cameos were not abundant, still I was enamored with the peach colored ovals donning the profile of a lady. I was not exposed to these things in my daily life but on the rare occasion I did encounter them, I was captivated. Once again, the Victorian was brewing inside but had yet to percolate to the surface. Years would pass and I found myself antiquing with my mother in a little antique shop in Catawba, NC near where my husband and I lived. Perusing the lovely items, I stumbled across the prettiest cameo I'd ever seen. An elegant profile sat atop a Wedgwood blue background set in a filigree bezel bedecked with seed pearls. My long buried passion for cameos resurfaced instantly. As a young married couple the budget didn't allow for the brooch but the image never left my mind. On Christmas morning I was thrilled when I opened a small package from my mother and lifting the lid of the box found the coveted cameo nestled in a bed of cotton. From that point on I began collecting these tiny treasures. Over the next few posts I will share some history and other facts about cameos. Please, won't you join me in the parlor for a cup of tea and conversation about this quintessentially Victorian art form?
Victorian Lady Kim